Install the PDF file converter

When to use this procedure

Follow the steps below if you plan to email your customers using the secure, standard portable document format (PDF). If you do, you must install Tri-TechPDF.exe on each computer that uses AIMsi. If you do not plan to email your customers using PDF, skip these steps and continue to Set the environment variables.

Steps to complete

  1. Navigate to the CD or DVD drive and the AIMsi Installation CD.
  2. In the Drivers folder, open the PDF folder then click or double-click the Tri-TechPDF.exe file.
  3. A WinZip Extractor window opens and installs the Tri-Tech PDF Converter.

  1. The window closes automatically when the extraction is complete.

Caution: Do not remove or rename the PDF driver file. Doing so will result in a loss of functionality.